Tuesday, October 17, 2006

In Which I Establish Another Rule

Until the following post gets knocked into the archive, our site is no longer entirely composed of text. Also, we now have comments, which proves my gmail account is working if nothing else.

I'd like to amend the blog rules to suggest that we never promise to write more on something later, because it's embarrassing when we get distracted by Project Runway repeats and don't post again that day. And if we do promise more later accidentally, we should go back and delete that part and hope whoever read it was durnk at the time.

For anyone waiting with bated breath for my WOW rant, it is posted below. As for Errors and Omissions, I barely remember it at this point and would be surprised if anyone gave it a second thought. You should not. The AV Club review clearly outlined the book's flaws, but I was distracted by the shinier potential. "A legal thriller about an alcoholic intellectual property lawyer? How could that not be awesome?"

Well, if the character stopped being an alcoholic as soon as the expository scenes and unbelievable murders began, for one.

Looks like Thursday is Monster Day for me. It will not be vampires, though it might be Mr. Vampire. It would have been sword-tongued zombies, but zombies are too trendy now. Totoros? That's probably a step towards the right continent...

Next week is embarrassing scary story week, and my wife (who has yet to be given her own Interweb handle--she keeps suggesting grandmother names) had a different idea of what story to post than I did. So to encourage more comments, I suggest a vote:

Would the eight people who know this site exists prefer:
  • A story about two kids and a haunted house written in third grade on bat-shaped paper (with photos!)
  • Excerpts from The Christmas Tree From Hell
  • "The box! The box!"
Fuck me. Considering that list, having a vote is pretty moot. At least I get the tie vote. And there could be some pretty good stuff in that box.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A story about two kids decorating the Xmas Tree from Hell in a haunted box...