Thursday, November 02, 2006

Skeletor Runs Bartertown

If the last haunted house I went to is to be believed, the Post-Apocalyptic World Of The Future is now considered haunted. Similarly, the one I visited earlier in the week featured a foam rubber monster that had escaped from Doom. Questionable themes aside, both had effective moments and fun ideas, especially in a group where each of us was alarmed by different triggers. I was the one that twitched and giggled whenever people leapt out at us. Also, I discovered that haunted houses are more impressive when one is suffering from an acute lack of sleep. Not that I can remember what impressed me so much, but that's the price one pays for sensory overload.

I didn't go to the haunted house that's right next door to me, though. Which is a shame, since I'm told that it had much less of the actors-jumping-at-you scares, but did feature wandering alone through very dark hallways for five minutes at a time.

Next week I'll be discussing games I no longer play, and at least one of them will be filled with praise. Considering how many bad games I've played, this also means "exactly one post will be filled with praise." I won't even be discussing video games, because it's already expected that once you beat a game, you turn it into Gamestop for a complementary fifty cents credit voucher.

Are you in, Narraptor? Surely there's a centuries-long game of Jenga or two you'd like to talk about...


Narraptor said...

Hmm. If I am allowed to write about videogames, I think I can manage at least two posts. I still may need Sunday to bitch about Saw III.

Narraptor said...

Oh, right. The mini-season of Lost ends on Wednesday, so I might need Thursday's post to discuss that. So, yeah, I'll see what I can manage in between the timely stuff. Or perhaps I'll go double-duty next week to make up for my spotty connectivity and overall malaise this week.