Monday, November 06, 2006

Offer Ends Soon

I apologize for posting late. But I do have some potentially helpful advice for you! If you ever planned on mocking MySpace, you're nearly out of time. The jokes about how terrible a place it is have been growing in number, and soon anything you have to say will be ignored as surely as if you were showing off a wacky mural someone made out of old AOL discs.

If you're going for a written piece, I suggest one of the remaining unused titles, like I Have Enough Friends Already, or Nobody Cares About Your MySpace Page. But please don't rely on the fact that sixteen-year-old MySpacers can't spell. Unless you are a high school teacher, I can't think of a good reason why you should be reading anything a sixteen year old has
written. Second generation Internet slang is no more terrifying than the original 1337speak from which it sprung, and we can co-exist peacefully with it the same way we always have; by ignoring anything that has a number in it.

Some other helpful information for you: literary critic Gary Wolfe is all too familiar with being confused with sci-fi author Gene Wolfe.

While this may not seem important to you now, I do wish that I had known it a few days earlier. However, he much prefers that to being confused with Gary Wolf, author of the Roger Rabbit books.


Narraptor said...

I suggest you take a long hard look at this post, Mr. Bile. To start with, you may want to consider what country you are posting from. You seem to have been infected by the dreaded English Spellingge. Have you been exposed to someone from the UK recently?

Mister Bile said...

Today, I finally remembered that comments exist. What wonders will I discover tomorrow?

As for the basis of my infection... it's possible that I was infected by a exceedingly British man. However, it is more likely that years of using unconvincing British accents in role playing games has poisoned me.

One day, I will use the word "trolley" when I really meant "sandwich."