Monday, January 29, 2007

Emilie Autumn

As promised, I will explain the title of my previous post.

I recently discovered a Chicago-based artist who goes by the name Emilie Autumn. And by discovered, I mean she had a cool track on a Dancing Ferret compilation I picked up at Hot Topic. In reality, Courtney Love got to her first.

Projekt seems to be sold out of her CDs, but a few are still available from Isolation Tank for a slightly higher price. She only has one album on iTunes, which contrary to what I told Tom Foolery, is not more fairy than her sample tracks on
MySpace. (In this context, "fairy" means "something Neil Gaiman would listen to," and is not a pejorative--unless you hated Where's Neil When We Need Him?, in which case it is.) Having listened to Enchant several times now, I'd liken it more to Poe's last album, but goth. It's eclectic. A few tracks sound like Hungry Lucy with better lyrics. A couple are like Deine Lakaien with a hot chick. One song samples What Child Is This? In 14 tracks, she covers everything from gothaissance to R&B.

She has a very thorough list of her influences on her MySpace page. It seems pretty accurate.

I now have a reason to schedule my next tour date in Chicago. But not before Mr. Bile commits to PAX.

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