Thursday, May 24, 2007

No Spoilers

I'm going to break a rule here and not spoil something--unless you consider knowing how awesome something is before you see it a spoiler. If that's the case, skip to the end.

(non-spoiler warning)

I know some crazy people have been hating on it all season and embracing the answers served up on a platter by
Heroes (can't wait to see how the fans turn on it halfway through season two!), but Lost is the only serial drama I can think of that has topped its season finales two years in a row. Yes, The Shield has mastered the art of melodramatic anti-climax, and each season of The Wire actually has an epilogue. But to the best of my knowledge, no television series has ever managed to produce compelling cliffhangers post season two. After that, it's always a gun to someone's head, or a division closing for the second time, or someone gets engaged and pregnant and kidnapped in an episode that will change everything until things revert to normal in mid-September, when said character gets rescued in the first ten minutes, rejects their engagement, re-takes their pregnancy test, and discovers it was all a dream.

Yesterday's season finale of
Lost was as jaw-dropping as the end of Twin Peaks. But unlike Twin Peaks and its '90s-'00s kin, Lost is in its third year and the network has signed up to see it through to the end.

(non-spoiler warning ends)

If, for some crazy reason, you haven't seen
Lost or just gave up at some point, you have until February to catch up. You have no justifiable reason not to.

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