Monday, July 23, 2007

What I Should Have Wanted To Be When I Grew Up

I forget if I ever had any career goals as a kid. It's possible, but I mostly remember wondering when I would decide I wanted to be something. Instead, I drifted through my childhood thinking, "Well, I guess I'd like a job that paid me money. That would be nice."

Now, if someone had told me I could have a career that involved
breaking into forgotten buildings and taking pictures of them, I know I would have applied myself. The threat of arrest seems like a small price to pay, really.

These days, I have no illusions that I can learn how to sneak past guards, let alone take a picture that dosen't dissapoint me. But that's okay, because I can practice my Jenga skills and train to become an
Omeganaut. It's not happening this year, but some dreams die hard.

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