Sunday, April 22, 2007

Viewed: Hot Fuzz

This movie is so fucking beautiful, I almost cried.

I've browsed some papers, and reviews and interviews on the net, and I really don't have anything constructive to contribute to this conversation. Hot Fuzz is a better satire of dated pop cultural references than has come out of Hollywood in, well, remind me when the last good one was? Hot Fuzz is a better guns akimbo action movie than any made in Hollywood or Hong Kong since...any suggestions? Hot Fuzz takes all the things you love to hate about over-edited, rote Hollywood blockbusters and cop thrillers and reminds you that you never want to get too old for this shit.

That's all been said. All I can add is that I haven't been this close to tears in a theater since I first saw the Shire up on screen. A part of me I thought dead was brought back to life, screaming, "Die Hard 4 has a guy jumping out of a car as it flies up into a helicopter with a guy jumping out of it! Yippie-ki-yay, motherfucker! Opening night!"


Narraptor said...

I tried for several hours, but there's really nothing more to say.

Mister Bile said...

Off the top of my head, I'd say that it was the best action film I've seen since Versus. I'm wondering if you can make a case for this decade being a time where satrical action movies became superior to the films they target.

(See also: Kung Fu Hustle.)

Jander said...

I had kinda wanted to see this over the weekend but ended up at Aqua Teen Hunger Force instead. I definitely plan on checking it out. Also I plan to live hard or die trying.