Saturday, March 17, 2007

Chicago To Los Angeles For 16 Points

For those of you wondering what happened to Mr. Bile and myself, allow me to direct you to Ticket to Ride. It's the on-line version of the board game of the same name, and it's free and easy to play.

You start by drawing destination tickets (say, Winnipeg to Duluth and Seattle to El Paso on the US map), and then try to draw the proper train cards to connect the two cities. You only have three options each turn after that: pick up more destination tickets, more trains, or lay tracks. Extra points are awarded to the player with the longest continuous route at the end of the game, and the more destination tickets you complete, the greater your score. But if you fail to connect your destination tickets, you lose the points they would give you.

It's free, it's fun, and you can generally find me there after 2 AM PST. Join us, won't you?

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