Thursday, September 13, 2007

Where's Martin Now?

The next time you wonder why George R. R. Martin's A Dance Of Dragons has not been finshed yet, ponder this: A new line of miniatures is being devised, based on his books. Within a few months, these miniatures will be completed, and complementary models will be sitting on Martin's shelf.

More to the point: Unpainted complementary models will be sitting on George R. R. Martin's hobby table.

I fear for the day when I learn that book five hasn't come out yet because, "Well, if I had only received one version of The Hound, I'd be halfway through A Bushel Of Bastards by now. But I've had to paint The Hound with a helm, with a half-helm, and without any kind of helm at all. That takes a lot of time."

1 comment:

Narraptor said...

I believe you mean book 4. Yeah, I said it. It's not Ice and Fire without Tyrion, bitch.

Sean Elliot is the new Harlan Ellison.