Saturday, December 02, 2006

It Was Late And I Was Tired 2

Los Angeles - 15 Hours Later

See? I knew it would happen again! I am often tired when it is late.

I logged on to write about made-up e-mails and the best worst episode of
Battlestar Galactica ever, but then I discovered we had actual comments. I will respond to them instead of making up my own.

As I suspected, people who know my secret identity (newspaper-delivering super scientist, guitar hero, Taiko drum master, and dance revolutionary Gopal Gothrap) check this site on an irregular basis. That's cool. I'll see what I can do with the tools to create a permanent mission statement that is easily accessible from the main page, but for now just know that we're switching to a "there will be three posts a week" schedule. Hopefully, those will readable on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Does that mean if you check in on Tuesday or Thursday you might get something before its street date? It depends what was on TV the night before and the time difference. Or perhaps things could go into overtime and we'll have six posts on Saturday. What's ultimately important is that you continue to check back when all hope is lost. I do the same thing with all my favorite sites and podcasts.

As for the colors and fonts, everything I've done is wrong for just one person. The first template was too bland, the second too hard to read, the new one too red to read. I'll keep fidgeting with it, but I doubt I'll be happy until I relearn how to format this sort of thing myself or hire someone to do it for us.

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