Saturday, October 06, 2007

In-jokes That Only Smart People Will Get


Narraptor said...

"Who would watch a Guybrush Threepwood and Herman Toothrot play?"

I rarely link to or even browse YouTube. This post was in response to what I thought was a rather successful search for Monkey Island love. Usually when I go looking for that on the Internet, I get something else entirely.

Careful viewing will reveal that the Ghost Pirate LeChuck appears in every frame of video. This is particularly evident in the final clip, which I would like to believe is not the opening act of a snuff film. If anyone can translate the language being spoken, it would ease my mind a great deal.

Mister Bile said...

Sierra's rebuttal to all of this Lucasarts love:

...and that's why you should only ask your local pirate merchant about LOOM.