We've been off the grid for several days in Seattle, soaking in PAX. On the spot reports are available at 1UP, with varying excesses in punctuation. Not that I blame anyone. Where else can you go from Wil Wheaton decrying government interference in video games to Uwe Boll ranting about foreign policy in less than 3 hours? Nowhere else on Friday, August 24th, 2007, that's where.
We'll be going into more intimate detail throughout the week. Rather than taking a "Day One, 1400 hours" approach, we'll dissect certain aspects of the experience to present a slice of life tableaux. Or at least I will, and I'll remove Mr. Bile's posts if he tries to do otherwise. We may not get to everything before deciding it's completely dated though, so allow me to single out some highlights:
- A day before the convention had even begun, I saw a furry.
- Over the course of three days, I was mistaken for an indie musician, a rock star, and a woman.
- I not only rode three escalators in succession with MC Frontalot, I saw his band demo "Creep" on Rock Band.
- Three people who I met last year at PAX, who I had not heard from since, came up to me and said, "Hey, it's you!" That was neat.
- I met two more nice people at the 1UP panel who might remember me next year.
- I sat through the entire surprise guest panel with Uwe Boll as he dissembled under questioning and, other than the woman who called him out for making racist shit (I think I'm paraphrasing, but I'm sure both those words were used), those who didn't leave the theater backed away from making the honest, incendiary comments they've freely printed anonymously on the Internet since House of the Dead.
- I got a complimentary spongy baseball from ITT Tech, and entered to win my weight in ramen noodles.
- I pwned Mr. Bile in Puzzle Fighter.
- I learned the difference between geeks and hipsters.
More on that last bullet point later this week. Also, the story of PAX as told through T-shirts, a numerical photo essay, we interrogate a poor guy at the Wizards of the Coast booth about D&D 4th edition, and we almost get free drinks and sandwiches twice. What more could you ask for?
Maybe a picture of this guy. I'm sorry. I left my camera in the hotel room most of the weekend, and I didn't realize who he was until it was too late. Mr. Bile, I don't suppose you managed to track down Phoenix Wright and his archenemy in the waning hours of PAX?
I fell so far off the grid that several people were convinced that I had simply drowned in a flood while I was away. John Twelve Hawks would be proud.
You did indeed. Your grid was pwned.
We are talking about the grid in Puzzle Fighter, right?
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